Subaru Brake Repiar Service in Bassett, VA

Service: Closed Call us at: Call service Phone Number855-538-2399

Serviced Brakes Mean Safer Driving

Taking proper care of any part of your vehicle is a sound idea that will pay dividends in the short and long terms, but it’s hard to think of any area of your vehicle that’s more important to stay on top of than your braking system. This isn’t a type of routine maintenance most people can sort themselves, and that’s where brake repair and brake servicing from us here at Nelson Subaru in Basset comes in.

You could ā€“ and too many people do ā€“ wait until symptoms of braking system problems appear, such as brake-fade, pulling to one side, vibrations through the pedal, and loud metallic grinding or squealing sounds when the brakes are applied. Unfortunately, waiting until symptoms of brake failing become obvious could be too late, and that can be very serious indeed.

A brake service from us here at Nelson Subaru includes inspections for wear and damage, brake repairs, brake line repairs, brake placement, brake system fluid changes, and hydraulic system inspections to look for potential leaks.

To help make every journey in your vehicle as worry-free and safe for you and your passengers as possible, get in touch with the expert team here at Nelson Subaru in Basset, Virginia, to schedule an appointment for a brake service.

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Nelson Subaru is located at: 4730 Virginia Ave • Bassett, VA 24055

Subaru Service Specials

Replace Cabin Air Filter


Help keep dust and pollen out of your car’s passenger cabin by getting your cabin air filter replaced regularly (most models every 7,500 miles or 1 year, whichever comes first).

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RCC: eab0e487f40047b0b2cf3a988123dca8

Expires: 10/07/2024

Air Conditioning Service


Keep cool and optimize your A/C’s performance
• Test system for proper cooling operation
• Inspect hoses & connections for leaks
• Inspect cabin air filter
• Includes up to 1 lbs. of freon

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RCC: c2e3f62960884faa8be674f5e6bb76a4

Expires: 10/07/2024

All Wheel Alignment Special


Service includes:
• Inspect/adjust camber & toe if needed
• Inspect suspension & steering linkage
• Road test

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RCC: 0ccd96f1fb66494598a874352100542f

Expires: 10/22/2024

Get Directions

4730 Virginia Ave, Bassett, VA, 24055
Nelson Subaru 36.74023761235868, -79.93147207330784.