Like many things in life, your vehicle’s battery, alternator, and electrical system are easy to take for granted when everything’s working the way it should. Despite them being vital for the smooth running of so many of your Subaru’s systems and the overall performance of your vehicle, a lot of us can be guilty of not giving them the care and attention they deserve.
Even if we’re always on top of routine maintenance tasks like oil changes and checking tires and brakes, your vehicle’s battery, alternator, or electrical system could be on the point of failing and leaving you stranded if you donāt pay the attention they deserve.
Warning signs can be as minor as a warning light on the dash, your electric windows not opening or closing, or there could be some sort of whining noise you can’t pin down. Alternatively, there might be something far more worrying occurring, such as your vehicle stalling or not starting in the first place, which can curtail your journey before it even gets underway.
If there are any signs at all that something could be wrong with your car’s electrics, donāt hesitate to get in touch with us here at Nelson Subaru in Bassett right away.Ā Our Subaru-trained and certified technicians will test, diagnose and repair any electrical problems your vehicle could be experiencing. It could result from something as simple as a fuse that needs changing or something more serious like your alternator or battery that needs repairing or replacing. Either way, our experts here at Nelson Subaru in Bassett, Virginia, will get it sorted and have you back on your way again before you know it.
Every year the state of Virginia requires every vehicle to go through a state inspection to ensure that it is safe for the road. Regardless how well your vehicle is taken care of you must spend $20 to get this inspection. Why pay when you can get it for free? Come to Nelson Subaru the month that your inspection expires for a complimentary state inspection!
Offer only valid in the month that the current state inspection sticker expires. Must present coupon to the service advisor when the service is ordered. See dealer for complete details.
Every year the state of Virginia requires every vehicle to go through a state inspection to ensure that it is safe for the road. Regardless how well your vehicle is taken care of you must spend $20 to get this inspection. Why pay when you can get it for free? Come to Nelson Subaru the month that your inspection expires for a complimentary state inspection!
Help keep dust and pollen out of your car’s passenger cabin by getting your cabin air filter replaced regularly (most models every 7,500 miles or 1 year, whichever comes first).
Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be combined with any coupon, offer or advertised special. Subaru vehicles Only
RCC: eab0e487f40047b0b2cf3a988123dca8
Help keep dust and pollen out of your car’s passenger cabin by getting your cabin air filter replaced regularly (most models every 7,500 miles or 1 year, whichever comes first).
Service includes:
• Inspect/adjust camber & toe if needed
• Inspect suspension & steering linkage
• Road test
Please present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be combined with any coupon, offer or advertised special. Subaru vehicles only.
RCC: 0ccd96f1fb66494598a874352100542f
Service includes:
• Inspect/adjust camber & toe if needed
• Inspect suspension & steering linkage
• Road test